10 of the Most Beautiful Abandoned Places
By Leo Savage on Sep 24, 2014
The world has some very beautiful places that seem to have been forgotten for ages. They have a lot to offer in terms of tourist attractions but very few people seem to understand that. The top ten beautiful abandoned places will be uncovered in this article. You can make a decision on whether they merit being forgotten or if it's a mistake.
Holland Island

This is situated in Chesapeake Bay of the Netherlands but stands abandoned despite its unrivalled beauty. Initially, it measured 5 miles in length and housed a huge community of fishers that totaled to 360 persons. There were many buildings on the island including churches and homes before people were forcefully evicted by recurrent erosions. It became unbearable to human beings and domestic animals which was the cause for its abandonment. The last life at the island was in 1922 and it has slowly been eaten up by the bay.
The Maunsell Sea Forts

These are seven army forts in England and each had a unique design from the other. Walkways were used to link one fort to the others, making a wonderful scene to view. All these forts were constructed in 1942 with six of them armed and one well manned. They were all pre-constructed and then placed in the sea to take up their right positions. It is not clear why they were abandoned, but they rank as one of the top tourist attractions in England.
Canfranc Rail Station

This train station is in Spain and has been abandoned for many years, yet it’s a beautiful scene for sightseeing. This station was used as a transit point for an international railway that cut through France and Spain. Unfortunately, a major accident that occurred in 1970 damaged the adjacent bridge cutting off any transport links that existed between the two states. As a result, there was no other option but to abandon it which stands to date.

This is one of the beautiful places in Africa that remains abandoned for unknown reasons. It is at the heart of the Namibia Desert and attracted many miners from Germany after diamond was discovered in 1908. Most of the buildings there have the German architectural designs and was full of life. Casinos, schools, sporting halls and theaters as well as hospitals were all indicators of human life at the Kolmanskop. Today, it looks like a place that never breathed life after being abandoned. The miners returned to Germany and locals escaped to other neighboring areas.
Hashima Island

This one is in Japan and very few people believe that it is abandoned. It was highly populated in the past because of its richness in coal. At one time, the number of miners inhabiting at the island counted to 5,000 but none of them can be traced there today. They all abandoned the island after Japan began relying on petrol at the expense of coal as the main source of energy. Very few people are remaining at the island which appears dead and very boring.
Dome Houses

These houses are in Florida and were constructed in 1982 before being abandoned. Most of the damage to these domes occurred in 2005 which is the time Hurricane Wilma happened. As a result, many people fleed from the area for fear of their lives. Life has never been any easy since then and most parts of the domes have already tilted into the Mexican gulf. It is in the southern part of Cape Romano Island.
Christ of the Abyss

Without doubt, this statue in Italy serves as the seat of Christianity. Duilio Marcante came up with the idea of setting up the monument and this was soon after the demise of Dario Gonzatti. He was a pioneer scuba diver and this statue was meant to honor him. Later on in 1954, the statue of Christ was installed which attracted huge attention. However, the situation is not the same today as the statue has been abandoned and lacked meaning. Very few people recognize it or its significance but it remains to be a beautiful place for sightseeing.
Fishing Hut

It is located in Germany’s Berchtesgaden National Park but has been abandoned after management reverted to the state. The Hut started booming with tourists once it was conceived. Many people like this place because of its mountainous landscape that includes expansive forests and sharp rocks. Even as it remains deserted, the Fishing Hut is a beautiful place that you can visit today as well as learning many more new things.
North Brother Island

This is one of the abandoned beautiful places in New York. It is not that big, but its change in fortunes worries many people. Initially, the island served as a hospital that handled thousands of patients on a daily basis. Things turned from bad to worse and no human beings can be spotted on this island. Actually, it has since been designated as a bird sanctuary pointing to how low it sunk. It is accompanied by the South Brother Island which is also deserted and both occupy a combined 20 acres.
Sharada Peeth

This is one of the most famous temples in Pakistan but that fame has gone down the drain. It was abandoned many years back and it can’t be recalled when it’s the last time it was repaired, maintained or cleaned. It seems the worshipers’ faith decreased leading to its abandonment. At any time, a house of worship remains a house of worship but not for this one. Its members have left it and forgotten it for good.
A tour around the globe will reveal many more beautiful places that have been abandoned. Most of them are deserted for very minor reasons which are total injustice. It would be fine if some effort was put to help restore their lost glories. All in all, they still remain beautiful even at their abandoned stage.