Oberalp Pass, Switzerland
By Leo Savage on Aug 25, 2014
This road is the one of the most beautiful but somehow, an under rated road. The road is situated in Switzerland and it begins at Andermatt. The road is covered with mountains, but unlike other roads, the road is not so narrow and provides some good driving experience for the drivers. The roads are pretty smooth and one can see many people on bikes and cycles, socially, enjoying their selves on this amazing road.

The total distance this road covers is around 30 km and the road is toll free one. But, the road might be closed seas only since Switzerland is famous for getting heavy snow which covers everything up. This road is said to be under rated, the reason being the high setting of the bar. The pass takes the driver’s various routes, while showing some beautiful and astonishing views. The mountains there are so beautiful and in summer, the greenery there is worth seeing, one can make some stops there as much he wants since there are many stops and fuel stations to get fooled to the cars, and also some food shops so that driver and the friends and family can also get themselves fueled. Depending on where the driver wants to make a turn, the pass leads to various roads. I.e. if someone drives towards the eats, they will be starting in the Andermatt, This town has pretty rich history. It is located in a high alpine valley and it performs the day to get travellers passed through the various directions to the various ones.
Now if someone wants to go toward the Oberalp, one should leave the Andermatt and should start going towards the water ramp. This road is really amazing. The road is so smooth like silk. There are not any stops here. One can go there at pretty good speed and over taking is really easy there since the road offers pretty much visibility. If someone has bike, he can stop the car for some time and take a ride on the bike since this place is famous for the bikers. Many bikers come here for practice. While driving, one will see many beautiful scenes. The sun rise is especially pretty amazing there because when the sun comes up, the light begins spreading at the mountains which begin to shine with their natural green color. Continuing to this road, one can reach to the summit. The summit provides great facilities like café and some bikes renting. Also one can hire a guide or can ask some directions from someone there. That place is nice stop for chilling and having some coffee after such long route.

This road is pretty famous since the country’s central part gets connected to the other places by this amazingly beautiful road. This road is also pretty famous in Europe. The pass is opened only when there is summer months since the snow can make it difficult for the drivers to drive. Also, one can make stops to several points where the hiking is offered. This place is actually famous for both hiking and by cycling and many people around the area come here every summer to get themselves some enjoyment and rejoice.
This road is good and one should go there to enjoy some natural beauty which stays there and can enjoy some smooth driving. The traffic jam there is pretty less and one doesn’t have to worry about getting caught up in long lines. The road is pretty safe and there are many sign boards which point towards the end of the road. One should make sure to bring along some tires and the car’s gadgets, because one might not find a mechanic there that easily.